From The Facebook, but posting here for the records:

10 Albums Challenge Day 1 … supposed to be “… an album cover that greatly influenced your taste in music. No explanations, no reviews …” But. Come on. Fuck that.

Little kid. Nepean. McCleanan Rd. Crazy house, crazy days. Back when you had a bike and an open door. I was a bit … uncontrolled. You’d find me in the basement listening to this record at near full volume. I knocked off all the “ivory” on the family piano with a hammer rocking out to “get off my cloud”. Another time when the girl up the road was visiting, we were dancing to “19th Nervous Breakdown’, I was showing off on my Mom’s workout “twist board”, with a hard candy in my mouth … I fell off the board and started choking on the candy. Shannon screamed when my face went blue, my Mom rushed in and turned upside down and stuck her finger down my throat. Rock’n’Roll baby.

I remember on the rainy days sitting down in the basement listening to “Play with Fire” on a loop. This well of sadness and confusion inside me, this tune just connected to that as a 6 year old, or whatever it was. I never had a Fisher Price record collection, it was right to The Stones Greatest Hits. And I thank my parents for not only having a stereo and a record collection, but an encouragement to listen to records LOUDLY. And that’s the house Claire grows up in now: play it, feel it, be completely inside the music … and fucking crank it. Always.